2013 Cycling Numbers

Here is a summary of my first year of taking cycling seriously. I did not start off the year with the intent of becoming a cyclist, I only had a notion to live healthier. In addition to running, I started taking spin classes when the fitness center at work installed a classroom of spin bikes. By the end of February I was biking a little outdoors and then a friend signed up for the Santa Fe Century in May. I figured, “Why not?” That gave me the motivation I needed to train a little harder and somewhere along the way I got seriously hooked on riding.

Number of rides 56
Total distance (mi) 2,397
Total time (hr:min) 145:43
Total elevation (ft) 145,773
Longest ride (mi) 103
Longest Rides
Rides >25 miles 29
Rides >50 miles 19
Rides >75 miles 6
Rides >100 miles 2*

You can see a map of all the places I rode here. I started using Strava to record all my rides beginning in March. The map glows red where I’ve ridden the most and blue for least ridden routes. It is seemingly oversized since I took my bike with me to Mexico last week for some end-of-year riding (small blue blips in the lower left corner).

*I rode four century rides this year, two of which came in officially at 94 and 97 miles total. That’s the discrepancy in the >100 miles column.

In addition there were 41 spin classes adding an additional 34:10 (hrs:mins) and 617 miles of training time, and that’s only from July when I started keeping track of time spent on the spin bikes.

My goals for 2014 include riding more and taking longer distance rides. I would even like to do a multi-day ride where each day is 75 miles or greater. My dream trip is to bike from Santa Fe back to Missouri along the Santa Fe Trail and this is what I’ll be training for.


Amateur woodworker, photographer, cyclist, and beer brewer in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

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